Sunday, December 4, 2011

Loyola hosts Legal Writing Institute

Loyola Law School's Lawyering Skills Faculty hosted the Legal Writing Institute One Day Conference 2011 on Friday, Dec. 2. Moderators included several Loyola faculty members: Bob Brian, Saran Bensinger and Cindy Archer. The program, which featured interactive lectures and workshops, featured several substantive sessions:

-"New Media:" Its Effect on How and What We Teach, which featured the talks "There's an App for That: Integrating the iPad into the Legal Writing Classroom"; "How What We Can Learn from Popular Culture Can Affect the LRW Curricula" and "Legal Research for a New Age," presented by Library Director and Professor Dan Martin.

-Writing Problems: Reflections from the "Pros";

-Grading and Commenting: New Techniques for a New Generation, a roundtable discussion on the most effective ways to grade and comment on student papers for a new generation of students;

-Curriculum: What Are We All Doing and How Are We Doing It? A roundtable discussion about use of memos, appellate brief v. points and authorities and what has worked.

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