The implementation of the Basel III banking reforms in Europe has spanned two financial crises. And the European legislation is haunted by two specters: a possible collapse of the Euro; and -- in the alternative -- a blind leap into a European banking union.
The first crisis of course was the 2007 global financial meltdown that led to significant bank failures and costly bank bailouts. The Basel III reforms were designed to prevent a re-occurrence of this kind of banking crisis through various new mandates and disciplines. The Basel III response was negotiated within the Group of 20, where Europe had a substantial presence and an important influence. Based on the past record of enthusiastic adoption of Basel norms by Europe, one might have expected the passage of Europe's CRD IV legislative package to be largely a technical exercise. It has not proven to be one.
This is due in part to the timing. The complex European legislative process -- extending well over a year -- coincided with the outbreak of the second severe crisis, one more specifically centered on Europe. This second -- and ongoing -- crisis is the sovereign debt crisis (or the Euro crisis). Initially involving Greece, the sovereign debt crisis has spread to Italy and Spain, sharply raising borrowing costs of these seriously indebted countries and miring their respective populations into social misery.
The European sovereign debt crisis is in large part also a banking crisis, though different in many aspects from the 2007 global financial crisis. The Euro crisis reveals the inherent weakness of the current arrangement: Eurozone countries share a common currency and somewhat coordinate monetary policies, but borrow Euro-denominated funds in their respective sovereign capacities. Moreover, they bear primary oversight responsibilities for the banks headquartered within their respective territories.
The residual sovereign control Eurozone states maintain over their banks means that a bank in crisis will look toward its national authority (and its national authority alone) for deposit insurance coverage, bailouts and eventual resolution procedures. Which works well enough for those healthy Eurozone countries with large economies and small banks.